Fungasol Spray 22oz
ITEM # fungasol-spray-D9

Fungasol Spray 22oz

Price: $16.95
Fungasol Spray 22oz.

Fungasol® has been proven to help treat fungal and bacterial skin conditions in horses. It helps protect your horse’s skin with a gentle formula that includes tea tree oil. It also contains a Biopolysan® booster derived from coconuts which helps enhance the formula’s efficiency.

The Spray presentation easily and quickly applies to help treat fungal and bacterial skin conditions

Formula is effective against tough conditions including rain rot; dry, flaky skin; wound bacteria; girth itch; dew poisoning; pastern dermatitis (scratches/greasy heel); and ringworm. Soothes and helps treat tail itching and rubbing.

For external use only. For use in animals only.