Otomite Plus .5oz
Otomite Plus .5oz
ITEM # otomitek9-E13

Otomite Plus .5oz

Price: $16.50
Otomite Plus .5oz, Ear Mite Treatment for Cats and Dogs

A big problem with dogs and cats is ear mites. Fortunately, All Veterinary Supply sells Otomite Plus from Virbac. This product safely eliminates ear mites without irritation.

Otomite Plus contains double-synergized pyrethrins in an olive oil vehicle that penetrates the stratum corneum and is miscible with sebum. Leaves no greasy residue and will not obstruct otoscope views. Can be used on dogs and cats 12 weeks of age or older.

Active Ingredients:
  • Pyrethrins - 0.15%
  • Butoxide - 1.50%
  • N-Octyl Bicycloheptine Dicarboximide - 0.48%
For animal use only. Follow all instructions on bottle prior to use. If unfamiliar on how to use, please contact your veterinarian.