Pure L-Lysine 16oz
Pure L-Lysine 16oz
ITEM # pure-l-lysine-A20

Pure L-Lysine 16oz

Price: $10.50
Pure L-Lysine 16oz

Pure L-Lysine is a bioavailable source of L-Lysine lysine. It is recommended for horses whose diets are low in legumes, such as alfalfa, clover, and soy.

Lysine, an essential amino acid, is the most common amino acid deficiency. If your horse is deficient in lysine, it's growth and development may be hindered. It can also affect it's hoof and coat condition.

Feeding your horse Pure L-Lysine Powder may help increase the quality and availability of protein in the diet, especially in grass and hay-based diets, without a major increase in crude protein of the feed ration.

For best results, feed 1/2 to 1 ounce per day as a top dress.