Re-Couvr For Horses 1lb
Re-Couvr For Horses 1lb
ITEM # re-couvr

Re-Couvr For Horses 1lb

Price: $35.95
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Re-Couvr For Horses 1lb

Re-Couvr is a new supplement for Bleeders. The natural, organic formula helps aid horses that are Bleeders by supporting the lungs and is useful for horses who suffer from EIPH – exercised induced pulmonary hemorrhage.

RE-COUVR Equine Powder Concentrate exerts a synergistic effect on the lungs to lower blood pressure, help maintain normal circulation, strengthen vascular integrity, increase endurance and promote a healthy pulmonary system.

RE-COUVR Equine Powder Concentrate is a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients and herbs, fortified with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Pure Beet Powder and Bioflavonoids.

Dosing Scoop Included.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: For the average size horse:

INITIAL: Top dress 2 level scoops morning and evening for 14 days.

MAINTENANCE: Top dress 1 level scoop morning and evening.

PRE-COMPETITION: Starting 48 hours prior to event, top dress 2 level scoops morning and evening.

COMPETITION DAY: Top dress 4 level scoops once, within 6 hours of event.