Shapley's Mane Tail Groom Plus (MTG) 32oz
ITEM # mtgplus-H01

Shapley's Mane Tail Groom Plus (MTG) 32oz

Price: $19.95
Shapley's M-T-G PLUS, Mane, Tail, Groom in 32oz

The same great formula as the original but now with a fresh Herbal Scent!

The single best solution for skin problems such as fungus, rain rot, girth itch, scratches, sweet itch, tail rubbing, dry skin and bug bites. Also works as a grooming aid for mane and tail detangling, growth and conditioning. This amazing formula does it all. Highly recommended by vets, trainers, farriers and horse owners worldwide.

M-T-G Plus is formulated to eliminate the causative agent creating the skin problems so it treats at the source to dry up and heal the affected area. Its special ingredients also condition the skin and hair around the problem area which promotes both healthy skin and hair regrowth.

M-T-G Plus keeps the skin conditioned while creating a barrier against the elements. It offers quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days. It will also work equally as well on dogs, cats and livestock to combat their skin problems including hot spots, mange, itching and dry skin.

Ingredients: Sulfur 4%, Mineral Oil, zinc stearate, glyserin, cade oil, fragrance.
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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
By Cindy N.
Quality Product
May 22, 2024
Great product!!!!! Just rub into coat and comb! Get those nasty tangles out with little effort! I raise Mini Silky Fainting Goats (Super long hair), and after the Winter turns into Spring their coats can be a disaster! So tangled and matted! As that winter undercoat sheds it makes such a mess of tangles in that beautiful long hair. I could spend 3 hours on 1 goat! This product M-T-G Plus saves me so much time!
Thank You for such a wonderful item!