Splintex Gold
ITEM # GOLD60ml-rxrm

Splintex Gold

Price: $40.00
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Splintex GOLD for Horses.

Splintex is a safe and effective aid in the removal of hot or cold splints. Silver is for new injuries and Gold is for older ones. Will not cause pain to the horse and does not blemish. Can be used without interrupting conditioning, showing and training.

Gold is formulated for hardened splints and other indications such as curbs, spavins, thoroughpins and windpuffs. Total treatment time may be in excess of 30 days.

Directions: (1) Apply daily. (2) Apply lightly taking extra care in hot temperatures. (3) Allow a rest period if severe scurfing occurs caused by over application. Then apply in a cycle of 3 days on 2 days off. (4) Do not bandage. (5) Continue as long as necessary.

Important: Do not mix with DMSO. It is an industrial solvent and is hence so labeled. FDA has banned DMSO for sale intended for use on livestock.

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