What is Synovex?Synovex Cattle Implants are used to increase weight gain in heifers (Synovex H), Steers (Synovex S) and Calves (Synovex C).
Who is Synovex for? Cattle
Synovex S is for Beef Steers weighing 400 lbs or more. Each dose contains 200mg progesterone and 20mg estradiol benzoate. Steers implanted with SYNOVEX® S gained an additional 25 pounds on pasture over non-implanted animals.
Synovex H is for Beef Heifers weighing 400 lbs or more. Each dose contains 200mg testosterone propionate and 20mg estradiol benzoate. Heifers maintained on grass and implanted with SYNOVEX® H, gained an additional 21 pounds over non-implanted animals. Not for use with replacement heifers.
Synovex C is for Suckling Beef Calves of 49 days of age to 400 lbs body weight. Each dose contains 100mg progesterone and 10mg estradiol benzoate. Synovex C implant is followed at approximately 70 days by Synovex S.
Benefits of Synovex
- Increased Average Daily Gain
- Increased Feed Efficiency
- Use in Stockers and Feedlot Cattle
- Has a ZERO day slaughter withholding
- SX-10 Gun with retractable needle for proper implant delivery
- Easy and Safe to use
Warning: Not for dairy or beef replacement heifers. Implant pellets in the ear only. Any other location is in violation of federal law. Do not attempt salvage of implanted site for human or animal food. NOT TO BE USED IN HUMANS. KEEP THIS AND ALL DRUGS OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.
How much Synovex will I receive?100 doses