Vetericyn Wound & Skin Care 8oz
ITEM # vepusp

Vetericyn Wound & Skin Care 8oz

Price: $23.95
Vetericyn Wound and Skin Care Pump Spray, 8oz.

Effective spray that cleans, disinfects and treats wounds all in one shot. Kills all types bacteria including the antibiotic resistant MRSA. Treats hot spots, rain rot, ear infections, yeast infections, ringworm, cinch fungus, burns, scratches, skin infections, and rashes. Also use on abscess and post surgical sites. Safe for use around mouth, eyes and nose. Dose not sting nor harm healthy tissue.

Can be used to sanitize stalls, cages, pet toys, saddles and any other equipment that can host and spread disease.

Spray is non-toxic, steroid/antibiotic free. Safe as water(pH neautral. Speeds up healing and tests free for competitive animals. Made with Microcyne technology, Vetericyn utilizes the same FDA cleared formula that has been used to treat over one million humans world wide without a single serious adverse effect.