Vetericyn Antimicrobial Eye Wash 3oz
ITEM # vetericyn-eye-wash

Vetericyn Antimicrobial Eye Wash 3oz

Price: $13.99
Vetericyn Antimicrobial Eye Wash 3oz

Vetericyn Plus eye wash is a non-stinging solution that gently cleans the eyes and surrounding tissue to help relieve irritation and burning. It also removes debris and help control issues caused by mucous, pollen and other irritants. Cleans tear stains to leave the fur surrounding the eye clean and free of the bacteria that leads to discoloration.

Pets are often exposed to grass, dust and pollen that can irritate their eyes. Vetericyn PlusŪ eye wash is specially formulated to help rinse foreign dirt and debris from the eyes and alleviate irritation, burning and stinging. This provides relief to eyes suffering from allergies. Vetericyn PlusŪ eye wash is safe to use on all animals in and around the eyes. Non-irritating, won't sting or burn. Product is non-toxic and safe if licked or ingested. Can be used safely on animals at all life stages. Contains no alcohol, steroids or anti-biotics. Relieves and cleans eyes suffering from pink eye or conjunctivitis.